Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (2024)

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Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures

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Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (1)

  • Perfect for use in low-temperature situations (down to -60 °C / -76°F)
  • Safety bolt: perfect for when rotation of the pin is a risk
  • Conforms to wide range of certifications (e.g. DNV)
  • Superior stock availability of 99%
  • Suitable for both one-leg and multi-leg systems
  • Cad drawing Pdf / Print

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (2)


The Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN is a bow shackle with a safety bolt that has been optimized for use in low temperatures. The shackle can be used in extreme climatic conditions, down to -60°C (-76°F). The shackle offers a double safety (split pin and safety bolt) which prevents accidental unscrewing of the pin. Long-term durability is assured due to the galvanization of the Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN. Of course, the Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN conforms to a wide range of certifications from class societies such as DNV GL. The Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN is suitable for both one-leg and multi-leg systems and is available in a range with a working load limit from 2 up to 85 ton.


Product details

  • Productcode


  • Material

    bow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered

  • Safety factor

    MBL equals 7 x WLL, for shackles with WLL 55 and 85 tons the MBL equals 6 x WLL

  • Finish

    hot dipped galvanized

  • Temp. range

    -60°C up to +200°C

  • Certification

    • 2.1
    • 2.2
    • 3.1
    • MTCa
    • DNV 2.7-1a
    • DNV 2.7-1b
    • DNVGL-ST-0378
    • ABS PDA
    • ABS MA
  • Standard

    EN 13889, ASME B30.26 and meets performance requirements of US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271 Type IVA Class 3, Grade A


Technical specifications in


To download a CAD drawing, click on a product capacity below

Pdf Article code working load limit (ton) Net weight (lbs) Net weight (kg) diameter bow (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (3)

diameter bow (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (4)

diameter pin (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (5)

diameter pin (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (6)

diameter eye (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (7)

diameter eye (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (8)

width eye (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (9)

width eye (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (10)

width inside (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (11)

width inside (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (12)

length inside (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (13)

length inside (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (14)

width bow (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (15)

width bow (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (16)

length (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (17)

length (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (18)

length bolt (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (19)

length bolt (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (20)

width (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (21)

width (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (22)

thickness nut (inch)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (23)

thickness nut (mm)


Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (24)

Net weight (KG) Net weight (LBS)
PDF POGHMB13 2 0.42 13,5 16 34 13 22 51 32 90 80 59 13 0.42
PDF POGHMB13 0.93 1/2 5/8 1 11/32 1/2 7/8 2 1 1/4 3 17/32 3 5/32 2 5/16 1/2 0.93
PDF POGHMB16 3,25 0.74 16 19 40 16 27 64 43 110 98 75 17 0.74
PDF POGHMB16 1.63 5/8 3/4 1 9/16 5/8 1 1/16 2 17/32 1 11/16 4 11/32 3 27/32 2 15/16 21/32 1.63
PDF POGHMB19 4,75 1.18 19 22 46 19 31 76 51 129 115 89 19 1.18
PDF POGHMB19 2.61 3/4 7/8 1 13/16 3/4 1 7/32 3 2 5 3/32 4 17/32 3 1/2 3/4 2.61
PDF POGHMB22 6,5 1.77 22 25 52 22 36 83 58 144 130 102 22 1.77
PDF POGHMB22 3.90 7/8 1 2 1/16 7/8 1 13/32 3 9/32 2 9/32 5 21/32 5 1/8 4 1/32 7/8 3.90
PDF POGHMB25 8,5 2.58 25 28 59 25 43 95 68 164 150 118 25 2.58
PDF POGHMB25 5.69 1 1 1/8 2 5/16 31/32 1 11/16 3 3/4 2 11/16 6 15/32 5 29/32 4 21/32 31/32 5.69
PDF POGHMB28 9,5 3.66 28 32 67 28 47 108 75 186 166 131 27 3.66
PDF POGHMB28 8.07 1 1/8 1 1/4 2 5/8 1 3/32 1 27/32 4 1/4 2 15/16 7 5/16 6 17/32 5 5/32 1 1/16 8.07
PDF POGHMB32 12 4.91 32 35 73 32 51 115 83 201 184 147 30 4.91
PDF POGHMB32 10.8 1 1/4 1 3/8 2 7/8 1 1/4 2 4 17/32 3 9/32 7 29/32 7 1/4 5 25/32 1 3/16 10.8
PDF POGHMB35 13,5 6.54 35 38 79 35 57 133 92 227 197 162 33 6.54
PDF POGHMB35 14.4 1 3/8 1 1/2 3 1/8 1 3/8 2 1/4 5 1/4 3 5/8 8 15/16 7 3/4 6 3/8 1 5/16 14.4
PDF POGHMB38 17 8.19 38 42 88 38 60 146 99 249 202 175 19 8.19
PDF POGHMB38 18.1 1 1/2 1 5/8 3 15/32 1 1/2 2 3/8 5 3/4 3 29/32 9 13/16 7 15/16 6 7/8 3/4 18.1
PDF POGHMB45 25 14.2 45 50 104 45 74 178 126 300 243 216 23 14.2
PDF POGHMB45 31.4 1 3/4 2 4 3/32 1 25/32 2 29/32 7 4 31/32 11 13/16 9 9/16 8 1/2 29/32 31.4
PDF POGHMB50 35 19.9 50 57 112 50 83 197 138 332 269 238 26 19.9
PDF POGHMB50 43.8 2 2 1/4 4 13/32 1 31/32 3 9/32 7 3/4 5 7/16 13 1/16 10 19/32 9 3/8 1 1/32 43.8
PDF POGHMB57 42,5 28.3 57 65 132 57 95 222 160 378 301 274 29 28.3
PDF POGHMB57 62.5 2 1/4 2 9/16 5 3/16 2 1/4 3 3/4 8 3/4 6 5/16 14 7/8 11 27/32 10 25/32 1 5/32 62.5
PDF POGHMB65 55 39.6 65 70 145 65 105 260 180 433 329 310 32 39.6
PDF POGHMB65 87.3 2 1/2 2 3/4 5 23/32 2 9/16 4 1/8 10 1/4 7 3/32 17 1/16 12 15/16 12 7/32 1 1/4 87.3
PDF POGHMB75 85 62.0 75 83 167 75 127 330 190 530 381 340 39 62
PDF POGHMB75 137 3 3 1/4 6 9/16 2 15/16 5 13 7 15/32 20 7/8 15 13 3/8 1 17/32 137

Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I find CAD drawings of Green Pin® products?

If you go to the product pages of individual products on this website, you can download the CAD-drawing (3D) of that product:

  • On the product page, go to the table with dimensions
  • Select the productsize that you are interested in
  • A Download button will appear

If no Download button appears, no CAD-drawing for this product is available.

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (25)

Are there any recommendations for additional stamping on Green Pin® Shackles?

Note: Main dimensions, general info and warnings can be found in our latest catalogue.

If the recommendations in this product informationare followed performance of the shackles is guaranteed:

  • permanent identification marks, or symbols, are to be made by dot peen marking or with stamps having rounded profiles (low stress stamps).
  • the number of marks on a shackle is to be kept to the minimum.
  • the use of fractions and oblique strokes is to be avoided and a dot or hyphen is preferable to a dividing line.
  • values of WLL are, generally, to be marked to one place of decimals (except for 0.25 and 0.75) up to 100 t and in integers thereafter. The word “tonnes” may be abbreviated to “t”.
  • recommended sizes of marks are
    • Diameter of part to be marked > recommended size of mark
    • less then 12.5 mm > 3.0 mm
    • 12.5 to 26 mm >4.5 mm
    • over 26 mm > 6.0 mm

Typical arrangements of marks can be found in the following illustrations.

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (26)

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (27)

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (28)

FAQ-Reference:PI-05-03. Rev 0.

Are there any recommendations for the inspection of shackles?

It is required thatshackles are regularly inspected and that the inspection should take place in accordance with the safety standards given in the country of use. This is required because the products in use may be affected by wear, misuse, overloading etc. with a consequence of deformation and alteration of the material structure. Inspection should take place at least every six months and even more frequently when the shackles are used in severe operating conditions.

Shackles should be inspected to ensure that:

  • all markings are legible;
  • the body and pin are both identifiable as being of the same size, type and make;
  • the threads of the pin and the body are undamaged;
  • for a safety bolt type shackle is used with the split cotter pin;
  • the body and the pin are not distorted or unduly worn;
  • the body and pin are free from nicks, gouges, cracks and corrosion;
  • shackles are not heat treated as this may affect their Working Load Limit;
  • the shackle is not modified, repaired or reshaped by welding, heating, machining or bending as this will affect the Working Load Limit;

Remove the shackle from service if:

  • all markings are not clearly legible;
  • body and pin can not be identified as being from same size, type and make;
  • the threads of the pin and/or body are damaged;
  • for a safety bolt type shackle the split cotter pin is missing;
  • the body and/or pin is distorted or unduly worn, the maximum allowable wear is 10% of the original dimension;
  • the body and/or pin is not free from nicks, gouges, cracks or corrosion;
  • the shackle has been exposed to any heat treatment;
  • the shackle is modified, repaired or reshaped by welding, heating, machining or bending;
  • t is expected that before the next periodical inspection any of the inspection criteria above will not be passed;

FAQ-Reference:PI-06-01. Rev: 0.

Is it allowed to weld on Green Pin® lifting equipment?

No!Green Pin®products are treated with well designed heat treatment, which results in a certain Minimum Break Load and other specific mechanical properties.These properties will be destroyed by the heat of welding. It even can initiate extreme hard spots and initial cracks, that will decrease the strength and fatigue life dramatically.An exception is made for Green Pin® GH and PAS products, as these need to be welded to a surface to function. For these items, please follow the instructions that are available at Green Pin®sales.

FAQ-ReferencePI-07-02 Rev. B

Where can I find the DNV Type Approval Certificate (2.7-1 Offshore Containers (2021)) of Green Pin® bow/dee shackles and polar shackles?

Please download it here.

Where can I find the ABS PDA certificates for Green Pin® shackles?

Please download them here:

  • G-5261 and G-5263
  • G-5163
  • G-4161, G-4163, G-4151 and G-4153

Where can I find the DNV Type Approval Certificate (ST-0378) of Green Pin® bow/dee shackles and polar shackles?

Please download it here.

What do the abbreviations in Green Pin® product names stand for?

BN = Bolt & Nut, or safety bolt
CL = Clevis
CP = Cotter Pin
D = D-Handle
E = Eye
EE = Eye-Eye
EJ = Eye-Jaw
EH = Eye-Hook
F = F-Handle
FN = Fixed Nut
FP = Flush Pin
GR10 = Grade 10
GR5 = Grade 5
GR8 = Grade 8
HH = Hook-Hook
HK = Hook
H-type = Horizontal
JJ = Jaw-Jaw
ROV = Remotely Operated Vehicle
S = Shackle
S/S = Stainless Steel
SC = Screw Collar, or Screw Pin
SCL = Swivel Clevis
SE = Swivel Eye
SQ = Square headed Screw Pin
U-type = Universal (Horizontal and Vertical)
V-type = Vertical

How are Green Pin® shackles different?

Green Pin®shackles are known for their robust quality and versatility, are differentiated across various attributes which suit specific needs in different industries, including construction, maritime, and heavy lifting. They differ in grade, certificate, crown width, end fitting, number of safeties and special features. To discover all Green Pin shackles, visit the shackles category page here.

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (29)

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (30)


  • Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (31)Perfect for use in low-temperature situations (down to -60 °C / -76°F)
  • Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (32)Safety bolt: perfect for when rotation of the pin is a risk
  • Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (33)Conforms to wide range of certifications (e.g. DNV)
  • Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (34)Superior stock availability of 99%
  • Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (35)Suitable for both one-leg and multi-leg systems

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (36)


The Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN is a bow shackle with a safety bolt that has been optimized for use in low temperatures. The shackle can be used in extreme climatic conditions, down to -60°C (-76°F). The shackle offers a double safety (split pin and safety bolt) which prevents accidental unscrewing of the pin. Long-term durability is assured due to the galvanization of the Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN. Of course, the Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN conforms to a wide range of certifications from class societies such as DNV GL. The Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN is suitable for both one-leg and multi-leg systems and is available in a range with a working load limit from 2 up to 85 ton.

Product details

  • ProductcodeG-5163
  • Materialbow and pin alloy steel, Grade 8, quenched and tempered
  • Safety factorMBL equals 7 x WLL, for shackles with WLL 55 and 85 tons the MBL equals 6 x WLL
  • Finishhot dipped galvanized
  • Certification 2.1 2.2 3.1 MTCa DNV 2.7-1a DNV 2.7-1b DNVGL-ST-0378 ABS PDA ABS MA
  • StandardEN 13889, ASME B30.26 and meets performance requirements of US Fed. Spec. RR-C-271 Type IVA Class 3, Grade A

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (37) Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN

Technical specifications in milimeters

Article code working load limit Net weight A diameter bow B diameter pin C diameter eye D width eye E width inside F length inside G width bow H length I length bolt J width K thickness nut Net weight
POGHMB13 2 0.42 13,5 16 34 13 22 51 32 90 80 59 13 0.42
POGHMB16 3,25 0.74 16 19 40 16 27 64 43 110 98 75 17 0.74
POGHMB19 4,75 1.18 19 22 46 19 31 76 51 129 115 89 19 1.18
POGHMB22 6,5 1.77 22 25 52 22 36 83 58 144 130 102 22 1.77
POGHMB25 8,5 2.58 25 28 59 25 43 95 68 164 150 118 25 2.58
POGHMB28 9,5 3.66 28 32 67 28 47 108 75 186 166 131 27 3.66
POGHMB32 12 4.91 32 35 73 32 51 115 83 201 184 147 30 4.91
POGHMB35 13,5 6.54 35 38 79 35 57 133 92 227 197 162 33 6.54
POGHMB38 17 8.19 38 42 88 38 60 146 99 249 202 175 19 8.19
POGHMB45 25 14.2 45 50 104 45 74 178 126 300 243 216 23 14.2
POGHMB50 35 19.9 50 57 112 50 83 197 138 332 269 238 26 19.9
POGHMB57 42,5 28.3 57 65 132 57 95 222 160 378 301 274 29 28.3
POGHMB65 55 39.6 65 70 145 65 105 260 180 433 329 310 32 39.6
POGHMB75 85 62.0 75 83 167 75 127 330 190 530 381 340 39 62

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (38) Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN

Technical specifications in milimeters

Article code working load limit Net weight A diameter bow B diameter pin C diameter eye D width eye E width inside F length inside G width bow H length I length bolt J width K thickness nut Net weight
POGHMB13 2 0.42 13,5 16 34 13 22 51 32 90 80 59 13 0.42
POGHMB16 3,25 0.74 16 19 40 16 27 64 43 110 98 75 17 0.74
POGHMB19 4,75 1.18 19 22 46 19 31 76 51 129 115 89 19 1.18
POGHMB22 6,5 1.77 22 25 52 22 36 83 58 144 130 102 22 1.77
POGHMB25 8,5 2.58 25 28 59 25 43 95 68 164 150 118 25 2.58
POGHMB28 9,5 3.66 28 32 67 28 47 108 75 186 166 131 27 3.66
POGHMB32 12 4.91 32 35 73 32 51 115 83 201 184 147 30 4.91
POGHMB35 13,5 6.54 35 38 79 35 57 133 92 227 197 162 33 6.54
POGHMB38 17 8.19 38 42 88 38 60 146 99 249 202 175 19 8.19
POGHMB45 25 14.2 45 50 104 45 74 178 126 300 243 216 23 14.2
POGHMB50 35 19.9 50 57 112 50 83 197 138 332 269 238 26 19.9
POGHMB57 42,5 28.3 57 65 132 57 95 222 160 378 301 274 29 28.3
POGHMB65 55 39.6 65 70 145 65 105 260 180 433 329 310 32 39.6
POGHMB75 85 62.0 75 83 167 75 127 330 190 530 381 340 39 62

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (39) Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN

Technical specifications in inches

Article code Net weight A diameter bow (inch) B diameter pin (inch) C diameter eye (inch) D width eye (inch) E width inside (inch) F length inside (inch) G width bow (inch) H length (inch) I length bolt (inch) J width (inch) K thickness nut (inch) Net weight
POGHMB13 0.93 1/2 5/8 1 11/32 1/2 7/8 2 1 1/4 3 17/32 3 5/32 2 5/16 1/2 0.93
POGHMB16 1.63 5/8 3/4 1 9/16 5/8 1 1/16 2 17/32 1 11/16 4 11/32 3 27/32 2 15/16 21/32 1.63
POGHMB19 2.61 3/4 7/8 1 13/16 3/4 1 7/32 3 2 5 3/32 4 17/32 3 1/2 3/4 2.61
POGHMB22 3.90 7/8 1 2 1/16 7/8 1 13/32 3 9/32 2 9/32 5 21/32 5 1/8 4 1/32 7/8 3.90
POGHMB25 5.69 1 1 1/8 2 5/16 31/32 1 11/16 3 3/4 2 11/16 6 15/32 5 29/32 4 21/32 31/32 5.69
POGHMB28 8.07 1 1/8 1 1/4 2 5/8 1 3/32 1 27/32 4 1/4 2 15/16 7 5/16 6 17/32 5 5/32 1 1/16 8.07
POGHMB32 10.8 1 1/4 1 3/8 2 7/8 1 1/4 2 4 17/32 3 9/32 7 29/32 7 1/4 5 25/32 1 3/16 10.8
POGHMB35 14.4 1 3/8 1 1/2 3 1/8 1 3/8 2 1/4 5 1/4 3 5/8 8 15/16 7 3/4 6 3/8 1 5/16 14.4
POGHMB38 18.1 1 1/2 1 5/8 3 15/32 1 1/2 2 3/8 5 3/4 3 29/32 9 13/16 7 15/16 6 7/8 3/4 18.1
POGHMB45 31.4 1 3/4 2 4 3/32 1 25/32 2 29/32 7 4 31/32 11 13/16 9 9/16 8 1/2 29/32 31.4
POGHMB50 43.8 2 2 1/4 4 13/32 1 31/32 3 9/32 7 3/4 5 7/16 13 1/16 10 19/32 9 3/8 1 1/32 43.8
POGHMB57 62.5 2 1/4 2 9/16 5 3/16 2 1/4 3 3/4 8 3/4 6 5/16 14 7/8 11 27/32 10 25/32 1 5/32 62.5
POGHMB65 87.3 2 1/2 2 3/4 5 23/32 2 9/16 4 1/8 10 1/4 7 3/32 17 1/16 12 15/16 12 7/32 1 1/4 87.3
POGHMB75 137 3 3 1/4 6 9/16 2 15/16 5 13 7 15/32 20 7/8 15 13 3/8 1 17/32 137

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (40) Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN

Technical specifications in inches

Article code Net weight A diameter bow (inch) B diameter pin (inch) C diameter eye (inch) D width eye (inch) E width inside (inch) F length inside (inch) G width bow (inch) H length (inch) I length bolt (inch) J width (inch) K thickness nut (inch) Net weight
POGHMB13 0.93 1/2 5/8 1 11/32 1/2 7/8 2 1 1/4 3 17/32 3 5/32 2 5/16 1/2 0.93
POGHMB16 1.63 5/8 3/4 1 9/16 5/8 1 1/16 2 17/32 1 11/16 4 11/32 3 27/32 2 15/16 21/32 1.63
POGHMB19 2.61 3/4 7/8 1 13/16 3/4 1 7/32 3 2 5 3/32 4 17/32 3 1/2 3/4 2.61
POGHMB22 3.90 7/8 1 2 1/16 7/8 1 13/32 3 9/32 2 9/32 5 21/32 5 1/8 4 1/32 7/8 3.90
POGHMB25 5.69 1 1 1/8 2 5/16 31/32 1 11/16 3 3/4 2 11/16 6 15/32 5 29/32 4 21/32 31/32 5.69
POGHMB28 8.07 1 1/8 1 1/4 2 5/8 1 3/32 1 27/32 4 1/4 2 15/16 7 5/16 6 17/32 5 5/32 1 1/16 8.07
POGHMB32 10.8 1 1/4 1 3/8 2 7/8 1 1/4 2 4 17/32 3 9/32 7 29/32 7 1/4 5 25/32 1 3/16 10.8
POGHMB35 14.4 1 3/8 1 1/2 3 1/8 1 3/8 2 1/4 5 1/4 3 5/8 8 15/16 7 3/4 6 3/8 1 5/16 14.4
POGHMB38 18.1 1 1/2 1 5/8 3 15/32 1 1/2 2 3/8 5 3/4 3 29/32 9 13/16 7 15/16 6 7/8 3/4 18.1
POGHMB45 31.4 1 3/4 2 4 3/32 1 25/32 2 29/32 7 4 31/32 11 13/16 9 9/16 8 1/2 29/32 31.4
POGHMB50 43.8 2 2 1/4 4 13/32 1 31/32 3 9/32 7 3/4 5 7/16 13 1/16 10 19/32 9 3/8 1 1/32 43.8
POGHMB57 62.5 2 1/4 2 9/16 5 3/16 2 1/4 3 3/4 8 3/4 6 5/16 14 7/8 11 27/32 10 25/32 1 5/32 62.5
POGHMB65 87.3 2 1/2 2 3/4 5 23/32 2 9/16 4 1/8 10 1/4 7 3/32 17 1/16 12 15/16 12 7/32 1 1/4 87.3
POGHMB75 137 3 3 1/4 6 9/16 2 15/16 5 13 7 15/32 20 7/8 15 13 3/8 1 17/32 137

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (41) Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN

Technical drawing

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (42)

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN (2024)


What is a green pin shackle? ›

The Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN is a bow shackle with a safety bolt. The shackle offers a double safety (split pin and safety bolt) which prevents accidental unscrewing of the pin. Long-term durability is assured due to the galvanization of the Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN.

What are the three types of shackle pins? ›

Shackle Material

Available in round pin, screw pin, bolt type.

Where are green pin shackles made? ›

Immediately, customers across the globe recognized Green Pin® as an example of quality, giving the products worldwide recognition and demand. Green Pin® shackles are manufactured at our production unit in Sliedrecht, the Netherlands, making them a genuine 'Made in Holland' product.

What do green pins mean? ›

The green ribbon lapel pin represents so many great causes! The green ribbon is most commonly used to raise awareness for environmental issues, organ donations, transplants, leukemia, kidney cancer or disease, bipolar disorder, cerebral palsy, and mental health among other causes.

Can shackle pin be replaced? ›

Grade: 316-NM Stainless Steel. This Shackle Pin is made from grade 316-NM stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance and durability. It is offered in a variety of sizes from 1/4” to 1-1/4” and is compatible with Chain and Anchor Shackles. This pin is ideal for use as a replacement shackle component.

What is a Grade B shackle? ›

Two grades of shackles are made as per specification RR-C-271D. Grade A shackles, together with their pins and bolts are forged from carbon steel. Grade B shackles together with their pins and bolts are forged from alloy steel. Recommended safe working loads for these grades are as under.

What is a blue pin shackle? ›

Our Standard Bow Shackle 'Blue Pin' with screw pin is a cost effective load rated lifting shackle and rigging attachment. Meeting the requirements of EN13889 up to 25 Tonne and US Fed Spec RR C 271 mean that the standard blue pin bow shackle is suitable for most industrial and entertainment applications.

What is a yellow pin shackle? ›

Forged steel US type hot dipped galvanized shackles with a yellow pin. They have the working load limit stamped into the body of each shackle and they are 6x rated meaning they have a built-in safety factor of 6 to 1. E.G working load limit (WLL) 750Kg - breaking load 4,500Kg.

What does a shackle pin do? ›

Shackles are the primary connecting link in all manner of rigging systems, from boats and ships to industrial crane rigging, as they allow different rigging subsets to be connected or disconnected quickly. A shackle is also the similarly shaped piece of metal used with a locking mechanism in padlocks.

What is a shackle code in the military? ›

A shackle code is a cryptographic system used in radio communications on the battle field by the US military, the Rhodesian Army, and the Canadian Army, among other English speaking militaries which might not distribute or require sophisticated one-time use pads. It is specialized for the transmission of numerals.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 6488

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.